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Scholarship Review Assistance

Each year K8 awards scholarships to new and returning scholars.  The total number of scholarships to be awarded will be determined by the year end results of the endowed fund that is set up at the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation for the K8 Watkins Memorial Scholarship Fund.  Historically we have had around $80,000/year to fund about 18 -22 returning and new scholars.  The scholarships are $4,000/year for up to four years and are granted based on criteria established by the donor.  

The scholarship selection process includes reviewing applications submitted to the Watkins Memorial Scholarship Fund and selecting a preliminary pool of finalists.  The finalists applications are reviewed a second time and those who rank the highest by the Scholarship Review Committee are selected for the scholarship.  

The Watkins Memorial Scholarship Review Committee work usually takes about 20 - 30 hours of volunteer time from February 20, 2024 - March 31, 2024.  We will offer an orientation to the scholarship review process and scoring protocol on February 11th and 12th.

Participating on the Watkins Memorial Scholarship Review Committee is one of the most rewarding opportunities many of us have in working with Kitchen 8.  It is a great way to give back to the young women who live in Watkins and Miller Halls and to other accomplished female students who attend or will be attending KU in the fall of 2025.

We would love to have you join us in the review and selection of the new scholars for the 2025 - 2026 KU academic year.  If you would like to volunteer please contact Nancy Rehkamp at nrehkamp@gmail.com or 651-303-4213.


Thanks for your interest and we hope to hear from you!


About Kitchen 8

Elizabeth Miller Watkins had a "dream to aid self-supporting girls to get an education".  Through her generosity, creativity, and foresight, she created Watkins and Miller Scholarship Halls at the University of Kansas.  Kitchen 8 (K8) is the continuation of that legacy, established and run by women who have benefited from living and prospering in either Watkins or Miller Halls.  The unique communcal living experience shared on Lilac Lane cannot be compared at the University of Kansas or elsewhere.   


As all Miller and Watkins residents know, part of the self sustaining theme within the Halls are the existence of 7 small kitchens where residents prepare and share meals. Although the use of the 7 kitchens has evolved over time, they remain an integral part of life and camaraderie within the halls. Kitchen 8 aims to be be a similiar link between Watkins and Miller women, past and present, to help further the legacy of Elizabeth Miller Watkins and advance her vision. 


Our Mission


"....to help the girls who must travel uphill." 


Kitchen 8 is an organization of Watkins and Miller Scholarship Hall alumnae and residents, EMW Memorial Scholars, and other supporters of Elizabeth Miller Watkins' dream "to help the girls who must travel uphill."


Kitchen 8 is dedicated to preserving and carrying forward the legacy of Mrs. Watkins to help exceptional but financially needy women to get an education. K8 seeks to provide a community of support to stakeholders by:

  • maintaining communication,
  • providing mentorship,
  • awarding scholarships,
  • staying informed and advocating for conditions at the Halls,
  • preserving the Halls as scholarship opportunities for women who have exceptional achievement and financial need, and
  • following Mrs. Watkins' example of generosity and compassion.




If you wish to support Kitchen 8 or the Elizabeth Miller Watkins Scholarship Fund, please visit our Donation Center.  We are grateful for any assistance!  


Donation toward activities with the Residents of Watkins / Miller Halls or for communicating with Kitchen 8 members.


•   Laura Martin (2001)  10/19
•   Marla Hallacy (1992)  10/17
•   Miranda McDaniel (McDaniel) (2023)  10/5
•   Laura Stevens (Hobbs) (1975)  7/15
•   Crissy Ryun (Jackson) (2016)  5/8
•   Sheryl Dorman (Cox) (1966)  4/18
•   Debbie Dawson (1978)  4/15
•   Sharon McIlralth (1962)  4/12
•   Paula Messbarger  4/12
•   Julia Ruth Bolas (Berry) (1949)  4/11
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